Freitag, 16. Dezember 2011

Review-Breaking Dawn (pure kitsch within 1,5 hours)

One of the first scenes in this really really lame film is where jacob gets crazy about that invitation of the wedding of Edward and Bella! He runs forward in the forest and he mutates to a werewolf! Ok, ok....i have to admit, the effects are good but its so ridiculous! I mean.....imagine you walk through the wood and suddenly you notice a "good looking" guy who mutates to a werewolf when he sees YOU! nice compliment...:P
BACKFLASH........! oh i love that word! but in fact i dont even want to use that word! :P ok anyway...
After a while the great big wedding takes place and yeah.... you could say its a bit of kitsch! But just a bit :P
There's Bella in a tidy white dress who's going to the altar where Edward already waits for her! When i watched that scene I had to look away because of this freaky visage.... I'm very sorry for all the girls who are "teamedward" but .....WHY???? I mean.... i really don't understand what Bella sees in him! And then the film begins to get very very lame.... They are in honeymoon and drive to an island anywhere in brasilia or something like that. After they arrive the scenes where they get very intimate accumulate. And once they even break their bed and it looks like a bomb just fell in. Thats ....thats .... thats NONSENSE!
Anyway.... I guess after a long long time splitting my popcorn from the into felled M&M's before, I came back to the film and noticed:  OH it actually can be exciting! But yeah....that was a really short-lived thought. After a while you notice as viewer: OH!!! Now I get it! Its a parody!!!
But no.... it isn't! So from this time you begin to laugh about all the serious meant "jokes" and actually enjoy the film because it's the best parody you have ever seen!
In the end it gets a bit scary. Bella gets totally skinny and it's almost disgusting watching her pregnancy! ( Oh yeah....i didn't notice it. But now you know it ) So when she gives birth they have to cut open her stomach  and get out the baby, who had bitten her before. And when you see this baby you just think : Oh my god! How cute it is! AND NOT: Oh my god! A monster! A monster! Help! Help!!!! So that scene is kinda like ridiculous!
The very end I don't wanna tell.... because maybe there are still people who have not seen the film yet.
My conclusion of this film is: It's not bad. The effects are actually good and in fact it's even exciting! So if you wanna laugh a lot, your last feeling of throwing up is long gone and you like werewolfs talking then  "Breaking Dawn" is the right film for YOU! :P

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Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2011

No snow....., HATSCHUUUUU!

Well....i´m sick again and i really don´t know where it comes from. I caught a bad cold and now i´m sitting in my room and i am tipping this incredible lame story of  my life only to feel not that lazy i actually am. Is that a real sentence? I´m not able to write english correctly anymore! Oh!!! I´m really sick. And i just noticed that i love the word really!!! 
Okay.... so today i decided to stay at home, because i don´t feel very good and healthy. Although i feel more as i ´d got a hangover! But there was no alcohol yesterday in my tea! Or.....? So, i will explain to you how lame a day in the life of (sick) frenchfake is! :P 
The only things i´m able to do today were: sleeping, eating, watching TV (oooohhh i love "how i met your mother") and drinking! And wasn´t alcohol! It was tea! Pure tea! But although it is exceptionally not illegal    what i´m drinking, i got the feeling it would be. I think my favourite sentence today is "gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee!", ´cause of this horrible diuretic tea! I CURSE YOU SWEET TASTE OF HEALTH! 
So if you are also lying in your bed now because got a cold too and thinking: "Oh no! Poor frenchfake! But what does she do to feel better? There must be a cure, because she´s genius!" 
And yeah.... i know i am and i am really flattered by your compliments but if you think i got some wonder medication, you are completely sick in your brain! 
So.... get well soon! ;)